Categories: Ambassador ClubChamber of Commerce
The San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors and Staff will host a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for this new member!
Categories: Ribbon CuttingChamber of Commerce
Categories: Public EventCommunity
The San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors and Staff will host a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for this new member!
Categories: Ribbon CuttingChamber of Commerce
Chamber Mixer sponsored by Brookdale Senior Living in San Marcos. Enjoy networking with business leaders and civic officials.
Categories: Chamber of Commerce
RegisterCategories: Job FairPublic EventCommunity
Cleverly funny and fast-paced adaptation of Jane Austen's classic novel by the same name.
Categories: Public EventOtherArts, History, CultureCommunity
Join us for a free women's health celebration with food demonstrations, activities, giveaways, screenings, and health and wellness talks
Categories: Music EventHealth CheckEducationSeminarPublic EventBusiness WorkshopLunch & LearnChamber of CommerceCommunity