Categories: Ambassador ClubChamber of Commerce
Categories: Public EventBusiness NetworkingChamber of CommerceCommunity
This S.T.E.A.M. Fair at San Marcos High School is a festival for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math! Explore hands-on interactive exhibits that showcase careers in high-demand fields. Chamber members can apply for a free exhibitor space. Sponsors are now being sought!
Categories: Chamber of CommerceCommunityEconomic Development
RegisterJoin the Corridor Women’s Network for Charcuterie & Connections at Kissing Tree Golf Club—an evening of networking, cocktails, and a hands-on charcuterie workshop!
Categories: MixerNetworkingChamber of CommerceCommunity
RegisterThe San Marcos Area Chamber's Ambassadors are hosting a Ribbon Cutting for this New Member and celebrating 85-years of helping children with mental health at San Marcos Treatment Center. Plan to attend!
Categories: Ribbon CuttingChamber of Commerce
Head over to this San Marcos Young Professionals networking event! Free admission for those under 45. Unwind after work and build your professional network. Hosted by the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce
Categories: Business MixerNetworkingChamber of CommerceCommunity
RegisterAttend this informative luncheon with City Manager Stephanie Reyes and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Michael Cardona and hear first-hand about their vision and priorities. Plus network with top businesses and community leaders.
Categories: Chamber of CommerceCommunity
RegisterCoffee & Commerce is a networking event hosted by the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by various local businesses. A great monthly platform for you to connect with dozens of local business people!
Categories: NetworkingChamber of CommerceCommunity
RegisterThe San Marcos Area Chamber's Ambassadors are hosting a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for this New Member. Plan to attend! Make new connections to grow your business.
Categories: Ribbon CuttingChamber of Commerce